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New switch in v3.03 up

PostPosted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 9:00 am
by makeitone
New switch added in version 3.03

from a command prompt navigate to
C:\Program Files\MakeitOne\MP3AlbumMaker or wherever you installed MP3AlbumMaker.exe

Sample packing script:
MP3AlbumMaker.exe -script -list="C:\my music\mylist.txt" -style=pack -output="C:\new music" -artist

instead of packing all albums into C:\new music they will now pack dynamically into C:\new music\ArtistName

Example of Packing List

PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 9:32 am
by makeitone
Example of a packing list (mylist.txt):-
d:\My Music\My Fav Album1
d:\My Music\My Fav Album2
d:\My Music\My Fav Album3

to generate this from the commandline:-
dir /ad /b /s "d:\My Music" > mylist.txt

/s is needed to provide the full path

Example of UnPacking List

PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 9:36 am
by makeitone
Example of a unpacking list (mylist.txt):-
d:\My Music\(audio) My Fav Band1 - My Fav Album1_MakeitOne.mp3
d:\My Music\(audio) My Fav Band2 - My Fav Album2_MakeitOne.mp3
d:\My Music\(audio) My Fav Band3 - My Fav Album3_MakeitOne.mp3

to generate this from the commandline:-
dir /b /s "d:\My Music\(audio)*.mp3" > mylist.txt

you may wish to leave off the /s to not recurse all subfolders